Is the 7$ daycare price too low during a second maternity leave?

Here in Quebec, our taxes are quite high. Are they too high? Most people would probably say that yes, they’re way too high, especially when compared to the rest of North America. For me, I like to think that we get services for our “investment”, particularly if you get a university degree, get sick or have kids. For the last point, I’m fairly convinced this is true for Quebec families ever since the provincial government
increased its funding of a prolonged maternity leave and started subsidizing daycare (7$ a day!). There is even talk of a mini baby boom since the implementation of these programs. In the case of the 7$ daycare program, like many popular government programs (free in-vitro fertilization programs come to
mind), places are limited and oh so sought after. I’m very lucky that my company has set-up such a daycare at my workplace. Convenient and cheap. Since my wife is now pregnant with our second child, I have added my future little mini-me (or mini-her) to the daycare’s waiting list and I’m rather confident
that this child will have a place when my wife will be ready to go back to work in early 2013. However, I feel a little guilty (not sure that is the right word) that my oldest child will be going to 7$ daycare while my wife is home on a one year maternity leave with the baby. Of course, it will make life easier for us and it ensures continuity for my child. It would be odd to have him in daycare for one year, then out, and then back in a year later. And we definitely wouldn’t want to lose our place. But, does it make any sense to ask the population to subsidize the fact that it will be easier for my wife to send the oldest to daycare? Technically, since she is at home, she could be taking care of him. For me, it seems to fall more in the “privilege” category rather than the “necessity” category. So, in this age of deficits and budget constraints, maybe this “one size fits all” funding approach should be reviewed. But then again, I’m afraid that after these 5 years of eventual daycare, I will return to paying way more into the system then I will be getting out. So maybe I should just shut my pie hole before someone reads this, agrees and cancels this wonderful family perk 🙂



3 thoughts on “Is the 7$ daycare price too low during a second maternity leave?

  1. I also have very mixed feelings about this. I wonder what the older child thinks knowing that the baby stays home with mom, while he or she has to leave home early and spend the day away. Also while the child could be home, another mother is maybe desperately looking for a place for her child so that she can feed her family. Here in the Montérégie area places in daycare seem to be very rare and yet some parents need to work. I paid $15 per day to have my child babysat 33 years ago, so I find that $7 is a real bargain. There must be a way to organize the system so that everyone has a fair chance to benefit from it!

  2. Personnally, I don’t think the government should allow 7$ daycare for people who do not work, period. And what the……people on welfare can bring their kids?!?! You want to put your child in daycare even if you leave work for a long period of time ( LOA or maternity leave for example), then you should not be allowed to get the 7$ rate.
    I have been on a “waiting list” since my first child was born….that is since 2006! Never got a 7$ place in the CPE because I wanted part time. I wanted part time since I work part time (three days a week). But if I wanted a place, I had to bring my children in full time! No way. I spent my second maternity leave at home, with my first child there, all the time. Now that I’m back to work, I pay 25$ a day for each child, for two days a week of private daycare. Two days when both of us work. I’m fine with the 7$ fees. Just that you should use it if you need it.

  3. Sylvie, there is a reason that children of people on welfare get into daycare. It is so the children will not be so far behind already in kindergarten, that they have lost the race before they have a chance to start. Also with the hope that they can break the welfare cycle. Not funny when you see a 14 year old pregnant girl and her mother and their first question is ”When will I start receiving my welfare check?”
    That being said, I also think that people who are enjoying their maternity/parental leave without any children around all week should not have a $7 fee. I also think that there should be a sliding scale according to salary. When 2 doctors, dentists or lawyers who have a nanny at home send their children to daycare at $7/day because no one seems to want them home, we have a problem

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