Here we go again!

Well, this will be my second serious attempt at blogging. I really have no idea why though. It’s not like I have any free time. Whatever time is not used up by sleep, work and family could probably be put to better use… I don’t really know what I will be blogging about. Probably stuff from every day life that will not amuse you! Ok, there I go with some of the false modesty. You will be hanging on my every word! Seriously, there is just something about writing that is good for the brain and the soul. I really feel as though the act of writing forces me to better organize my thoughts, feelings, impressions, etc. Some I probably get more out of it than I would freely admit. My last blog was in French so this time around, my bilingual brain will give it a try in Shakespeare language this time around.

I look forward to complaining, I mean, sharing my thoughts on all things over the next few months. A bientôt!

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